“well u Turning Crisis into Opportunities” Project

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well u Turning Crisis into Opportunities” Project

Having been disrupted, the Company adjusted itself to adopt Entertainmerce Model as its core in conducting business that enables the Company to generate revenue and exponential growth. Therefore, the Company leverages on this strength to inaugurate its campaign “well u Turning Crisis into Opportunities” with the purpose to deliver knowledge to people in the society to inspire them to become business owners as well as providing opportunities to turn their lives around and thrive through the crisis through job creation and income distribution.

This project is known for its support for all aspects from the Company so that people can start their businesses without worries about initial capital, inventory or delivery with coaching team to assist them in every stage of business operations. The project aims to help people in the society to get through the economic crisis and grow together in the future.

Knowledge creation and delivery are conducted through the Company’s capabilities in building knowledge warehouse through media and other resources before sharing diverse knowledge to the people. However, traditional training for agents that requires physical meeting was not possible due to the COVID-19 situation. As a result, the Company organized live coaches to meet, talk and share sales experience in groups online instead as well as making videos and online teaching materials for agents so that agents can study at their own time.

This “well u Turning Crisis into Opportunities” campaign is one of the initiatives with the objective to connect the Company’s business operations on the economic side to other people in the society with the following details:

Project Timeline Sales started in October 2021 and the project is ongoing until further notice.
Target Create jobs and generate income for people in the society.
500 people in the first year and 10,000 people by 2025.
Performance 8,900 interested people applied for the project and received knowledge through various media.

Jobs created and income realized for over 700 people or equivalent to success rate of 140% and approximately THB 4 million of income generated from selling well u collagen products.


Development Plan

The Company will add more products for agents to distribute to generate more income in the future.