RS Group rated as “BBB+” organization credit

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RS Group is rated as a “BBB+” organization with the “stable” credit trend by Thai Rating and Information Services Co., Ltd. (TRIS), meaning that it is at the “investment grade.” This rating reflects its competitiveness through the Entertainmerce business model, robust financial status, and structure, resulting in business advantage and sustainable growth.

RS Group is currently classified as a commercial business in the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET). RS business is divided into two groups: 1) commerce and 2) media and entertainment. The commerce sector includes RS Mall and Life Star Co., Ltd. The media and entertainment sector include Channel 8, COOLISM, and RS Music. With this combination, the Company can control the management from the upstream to downstream and bring out the media and entertainment sector’s potentials to support the commerce business. Therefore, it is a comprehensive combination to promote the constant growth of the business universe.

The combined business potential and TRIS rating will boost the Company’s credibility in fund-raising in the stock market, allowing the Company to have more fund-raising choices to expand its business size and success exponentially.