RS Group Opens Doors to TACC2022 Participants

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RS Group Opens Doors to TACC2022 Participants, Sharing Business Transformation Knowledge.

One of the missions of RS Group is to inspire people and pique their curiosity, which ultimately includes providing real-world experience to college students, young business owners, and entrepreneurs, under “RS Young Blood” project. Through this project, RS Group opens its doors as a learning center for hands-on experience with various business units. Everyone, regardless of their age, can spend their time and exchange their knowledge, while contributing towards the same goals. RS Group is more than ready to partner with educational institutions and organizations to fill in the knowledge gaps where classrooms may not fully provide. College students are welcomed and encouraged to acquire new experience prior to their graduation and entering the workforce. Recently, RS OPEN HOUSE was held, welcoming selected students of 15 teams from Thailand Accounting Case Competition 2022. The Open House not only introduced the ‘new-era’ RS Group, but also allowed these students to meet the management team and visit different businesses under RS Group.

Surachai Chetchotisak, Chief Executive Officer, RS Public Company Limited, said, “RS has undergone a major transformation, resulting in a very different RS from the one in the past. Our organization is driven by the power of Entertainmerce business model which combines our expertise in media, entertainment, and commerce businesses. Additionally, our corporate social responsibility mission is to improve the quality of lives and wellbeing of those in our surrounding communities and the public. Today, we are pleased to welcome the selected students from the country’s top accounting competition. Not only they will gain valuable experience outside of their classes, they also have to opportunity to widen their horizon and find their true callings. We hope that each participant will benefit from the competition and the visit. We do not expect everyone to perfectly solve these problems, but we hope to see teamwork and the ability to bring what they learn today from the competition to their classrooms or workplace in the future.

Asst.Prof.Dr.Nimnual Visedsun, Chairman of Thailand Accounting Case Competition 2022, Federation of Accounting Professions under the Royal Patronage of His Majesty the King (FAP), revealed, “This year’s competition, organized by FAP, aims to promote a better understanding of corporate management and related issues in the realistic environment. We hope that participants will showcase their analytical and problem-solving skills, as well as their professional excellence, creative communication, and teamwork. Throughout the years, we have been selecting public companies that are distinctive as our case studies. This year, we would like to thank RS Group who participated as our case study and shared a success story of business transformation to our students in Accountancy, Marketing, Branding, and Business Administration, such that they can apply this valuable experience in their future studies and work. In 2022, 94 teams joined the competition; 15 teams have been invited to join the second round and the winners will be judged on 3 September.”

Kanaporn Kerdklinhorm, one of the participants, said, “I am currently studying Business Administration and feel that this competition is very interesting. Through this competition, I learned that information is always there, but it is up to us to apply the information and experience in our personal and professional lives. As a competition, it is also very challenging. When we completed the assignment, our team was proud of ourselves, as RS Group case study is considered a very difficult case because of the distinctive business model. By participating, we have gained much better understanding of RS Group and were ready to work on our case. Besides, I was impressed with the CEO’s speech on the strengths of RS employees and management – no matter what challenges they may face, RS is agile and ready to enter other industries when opportunities present themselves to expand its ecosystem even further. I appreciate the time and efforts of the management team and other staffs who provided extensive information which guide us through the case study.”

RS Group provides the opportunities for everyone to showcase their capability and potential. We are very open-minded, as per RS Diversity policy stated, and ready to support great projects that contribute towards knowledge and skill development that can be used for tangible outcomes.

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