
RS GROUP Imposes COVID-19 Safety Measures To Stay Virus-Free For Health & Safety of Every Employee.

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RS GROUP Imposes COVID-19 Safety Measures To Stay Virus-Free For Health & Safety of Every Employee.

COVID-19 outbreak has been with us since the beginning of 2020. Today, the number of new cases has been on the rise, adding to the accumulated cases daily. At RS, we are following the situation very closely and laid out preventive measures for COVID-19 at our workplace to mitigate any impact on employees’ health and to increase safety to our staffs, remote workers, and visitors of our offices. Current measures are: 


  • Screen high-risked employees
    Every employee must go through a temperature check prior entering the building.
  •  Allow employees to work from home
    Work from home protocol aims to reduce commute and promote social distancing to lower the risk of receiving and spreading the virus.
  • Monitor and assess employees’ risk regularly by supervisors
    Management of each unit must regularly follow up on the timeline of every employee under his/her supervision. If one is at risk, the employee must be notified and quarantined for 14 days to monitor his/her symptoms. If an employee has any symptom or faces high risks, he/she must be tested for the virus at healthcare provider before returning to work. Or if a team member is tested positive for COVID-19, he/she can take sick leave for treatment and recovery. 
  • Develop COVID-19 information center for employees
    The company shall compile information, measures, and announcement related to COVID-19 to ensure health and safety of employees during the outbreak.
  • Impose social distancing at work
    For employees who have to work at RS GROUP office, social distancing has been implemented between colleagues at work hours and canteen. Supervisors must also set up a plan to manage their team to work effectively during any emergency.
  • Provide welfare for employees who need to stay overnight
    RS GROUP prepares accommodation, food, and special welfare, as well as conveniences for business continuity and safety amidst the pandemic. Employees are not allowed to leave the office during their specified hours.
  • Clean the office more frequently
    The office is cleaned every two hours, while various areas, both inside and outside of the building, are disinfected regularly. 
  • Provide technological readiness
    The company has prepared different technologies to support the new work model, such as VDO Conference and other systems to support documentation and back office.
  • Implement safety measures for RS Mall customer service
    Each customer service officer is organized to work in shifts to increase their distances during their work hours, while employees who pack the merchandise and deliver packages from our partners are required to check their temperature, wear face masks while working, keep their distance, and use alcohol gel regularly.


In addition, RS GROUP also would like non-employees who do not have urgent needs to refrain from contacting the office until the situation alleviates. These abovementioned measures are imposed to ensure the health and safety of our employees and to maintain the work quality as in the normal situation.