Two top employees behind phenomenal concerts of RS and the legendary titles of TICKETS SOLD OUT in just 5 minutes!!

Chon Srisungnern (Cue) and Rujira Rueangprakai (Ae) : COOLfahrenheit
The leading business in the Entertainment sector in RS Group is none other than COOLISM, the most popular radio station in Thailand. Today, COOLISM does not only entertain you with easy-listening music but also serves every lifestyle for music lovers, including dining, health, travel, and legendary concert events.
Today, we invited two key players to share their experiences and impression of working for RS Group for a long time. They play a major role behind the success of every concert that everyone is waiting for.
Let’s start with Rujira Rueangprakai (Ae), Senior Manager of COOLISM. “It’s been 18 years that I have been working for COOLISM in RS Group. There is no moment of boredom. When I first came here, people called us “radio”, but now we are known as a “music station” because we do not limit ourselves to just playing music to our fans, but offer a wide range of activities regularly. This is to ensure that we deliver entertainment that serves all lifestyles of everyone. Changes that happen all this time give us new roles to learn and handle, particularly concerts.
Getting to organize concert events again, we may have to reset our system a little because we had a break for about 2 years during the COVID-19 pandemic. Today we can organize concert events again. One thing that has never changed is the excitement every time the tickets go on sale. Well, I could not sleep from before the sale until the day of the sale. But in the end, the tickets were sold out every time. For example, the Kamikaze Party 2022 tickets were sold out quickly. It reminded me of the previous D2B concert tickets that were sold in 5 minutes. It can be said that the feedback of the fans who grew up with RS is very good, and today it has not changed.”
In addition to talking to Ae, there is another key man behind every big RS concert that creates fun and entertainment for the audience. It’s Chon Srisungnern (Cue), Senior Manager of COOLive, who has told us about both the charms and the fun of every concert organized by RS.
“The charm of our concert is the artist selection. Because RS is unique, every artist has a distinctive and one-of-a-kind identity. Selecting an artist to perform each show is a difficult job. Most importantly, we do our best every time so that our audiences can enjoy our concerts to the fullest.”
In every concert event, Mr.Surachai Chetchotisak, CEO looks into every detail.
Cue also told us that “every time we do a concert from Day 1, Mr.Surachai would look into every detail, starting from the name of the concert, choosing an artist, taking photos, choosing songs, creating a show, and inviting guests. He would allow us to do our best with the ideas first, then advise us if it’s too much or too little. ‘Don’t think like a working person and don’t think like an insider, but think like an audience. Imagine what they want to see’ His words have become the center of our work. It is not that show we want to do. But we always have to consider what the audience wants to see and make it happen to meet the most demands.”
Say something about the upcoming concerts
“I have to say that, for the upcoming Kamikaze Party 2022 concert, just the reunion of more than 20 artists is already very special, but there’s so much more in the concert. For those who have a ticket, I guarantee that you will not be disappointed”, said Ae with a broad smile. Cue added in the end that “the tickets of the RS Meeting Concert 2022 : Dance Marathon will be available on sale on 1 October. Don’t forget to prepare to buy a ticket because we have invited 15 legendary artists of the 90s. It is a mix of fun, happiness, and nostalgia in the extremely colorful concert hall. If you miss this one, I don’t know when there will be such a comparable event.”