RS News

Business / News

RS Group boasts its Q1 business performance

May 16, 2023

achieving high profitability with multi-dimensional growth

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Events / News

RS Group launches the campaign RS Diversity | RS People All Bloom

May 30, 2023

reflecting the diversity, equality and inclusivity of employees while highlighting the concept #GrowTogetherwithRS

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Business / News

RS Music to fire up Thailand’s music industry

Apr 26, 2023

with management’s approval to spin off the music business to be listed next year while working on company restructuring to fully advance its business  

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Business / News

RS Group celebrates its profit growth, offering new shares as dividends with a ratio of 10:1

Mar 1, 2023

while growing in all aspects in 2023 with its commerce – entertainment businesses
and revenue from investment and closing the deal with new strategic partners

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Business / News

RS Group advances RS pet all with 100 million baht investment to obtain 51% of HATO’s shares

Apr 18, 2023

Fully accelerates its pet wellness business while marking its new milestone in creating its petconomy as planned

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Business / News

RS joins forces with Grammy to create the most awaited music business phenomenon

Mar 28, 2023

while confirming its readiness to team up with both domestic and international partners for exponential business growth

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Business / News

COOLive unveils its upcoming 4 concerts and 4 music festivals in 2023

Mar 2, 2023

Creating the coolest phenomenon ever for every generation under the concept #inCOOLsiveExperience

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Business / News

RS Group’s Channel 8 kicks off the strategy “Channel 8: Have a blast on all screens”

Jan 30, 2023

joining forces with TrueID to offer quality, diverse contents and grow its fan base

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Business / News

RS Group to spin off its newly restructured businesses Striving to be ‘Life Enriching’

Jan 18, 2023

Revive its music business while developing RS Pet All to serve the growing petconomy trend, Expand its commerce business to the mass market, Expect to grow this year’s revenue to over 5.5 billion baht

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